Monday, February 20, 2012

Catching Up

Wow, it has been forever since I have posted here to let you know what I have been doing! It has been crazy, but I will try to remember most of it! LOL!
The last time I  talked to you, I was in Austin, Texas. I got sick while I was there, just a bad cold I think, but I ended up staying in bed for quite awhile.

Right before Thanksgiving we came back to Oklahoma after a Thanksgiving dinner with my family in Denton, Texas.
Then....things started happening so fast I didn't know what was going on! People I hadn't met before were moving in my house, we were moving out and it was just crazy! JT and I were playing hide and seek one day, trying to stay out of the way and we got stuck in a box!!!!!! We weren't able to get out until February 1st! Thank goodness we had each other or I would have been bored to death!

Feb. 4th, Gus and I got to leave with Grandpa and Grandma on a cruise to the Caribbean, specifically, the British Virgin Islands. The ship we went on was the biggest boat I had ever seen! But first we had to fly to Miami, Florida, then we "embarked", got on the ship.

 One of the first things we had to do once we got to our room and got our suitcases unpacked was to "muster". That means we had to all get our life jackets and meet in a certain place on the ship and learn how to abandon ship if something went wrong. We learned how to put on our life jackets and were our lifeboats were and what the signal was they would use to tell us to go to our lifeboats. Thank goodness we never had to use what we learned!
 One of the places we stopped had a really big water fall and we got to climb down to the bottom where the water collects in a pool. It was very rocky and hardto climb around, but the water was SO warm and fun! Gus went with me every where and he and I had alot of fun. It was very warm and we stopped for water and a snack before going back to the ship.
 One of the MOST fun things we got to do was ziplining! As you can see, we were all strapped in with lots of safety stuff so we would not fall. Gus and Grandpa were listening very carefully to the instructions in this picture. We were able to go on TWELVE zip lines! Grandpa and Gus were much better at it than Grandma and I. They were able to go all the way on all the lines facing forward just the way you were supposed to. Grandma kept twisting around in circles and going in backwards! She was scary to ride with. So the last two lines
which were very long and fast, a man who worked there came up and rode down with us so we would go in feet first like you are supposed to. It really was so much fun though, even if a bit scary. I want to do it again! (I lost my pants during one stop, but Grandpa got them for me, thank goodness!)
 Another stop, we took a tour of the island we were on and the lady that was talking to us showed us how bananas grow! Those tiny white things on the flower she is holding are the bananas when they are first starting to grow! It was really cool to see that. I knew bananas grew on trees, but did not know they started like this!
Here Gus and I are dressed for dinner on the ship. We were going to a fancy Asian restaurant that night. Grandpa and Grandma were taking FOREVER to get ready so Gus and I snuck down to the lobby and were sliding on the banisters of the stairs.  I guess we were not supposed to because pretty soon Grandma came and got us and she was pretty mad that the ship people had to call and tell on us. :( We got to go to dinner anyway! :)

I have lots more pictures, but wanted to get this off. I am hoping to come down to your classroom with Gus and talk to you more. I have to get with Ms. Paradise and find out when a good time would be. Hopefully I will be better about posting more often!


  1. Gilbert if you came to oklahoma why didn't you come and see us and was it very fun on the zipline? why did you go down the sled on the stairs

  2. Hi Gilbert I want to see you some day.Was the food you ate at the dinner good do you have a talent. I am sorry for you to get sick.

  3. So how did it go when you went swimming and i heard that you got stuck in a box cod you even breve in side that box andy party i heard about that you even got sick that must bean taribale for you wall i hope you fell better sone i sick to but i forgot the day so i mist valitimesday well did you have fun at the valitimsda all i did is just lay down and go to sleep and i stad home with my dad i realy mist my frindes and you to and my dad was home becase his leg is heart so he has to stay home and he has to were the cast in till it fills better but he woprks at the DHS AND he triped over a kid because he was chaseing after a kid then he triped over him.

  4. Hi Gilbert my name is Jordan and i am so glad i am bloging with you and miss paradise is a good teacher because she is the teacher of the year and she got two more prizes she is the best teacher ever she is nice and the best Gilbert your the best to because you blog with us and then our class response back to you and then it keeps on going and going and going tell we are out of 3rd grade that's one year to get to 4th than 5th and then 6th all the way up to high school our class mates are nice or mean i will maybe move to another school i am going to move to another school we go to lunch at 12:15 i am so(:.

  5. I really like your blog it was nice. My favorit part of the blog is the zipline part. My second favorit part is wen yall went on the boat. Yall are cool what is your favorit thing to eat. What is your favorit thing to do my favorit thing to do is play my xbox360 my gamer tag is cross mender. That is my old gamer tag my new one is Kill Me Zach i think its a werd gamer tag my dad made that gamer tag.


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