Good Tuesday morning! Are you as "candied" out as I am? I am not sure that is a word, but it should be! Did you all have a good Halloween? Can you all tell Ms. Paradise when and why Halloween started?
As you can see, I went as a ghost. But a very cute ghost, I think! I had stickers and stamps on my ghost gown! It was a great time at the office and we had LOTS and LOTS of food and candy. Here I am sitting at the dessert table after filling up with at least 10 different kinds of chili and 5 different corn breads! I was so stuffed, I couldn't eat a bit of the dessert, so I just took some back to my desk.
Here I am relaxing with my pail of candy and am just waiting to go home so I can rest! It was quite a day.
Now I am watching the news..bbboooorrriinng...but I know I have to listen so I won't be uninformed about what is happening in my community!
The rest of this week is going to be a bit on the slow side I think. Grandma Pat says we can't go anywhere until Saturday and even then she is not sure where she wants to go. We'll see...maybe she will take me somewhere fun!
I hope you had a good day and I will talk to you all in a few days! I hope Bella or Gus will write something pretty soon. I am anxious to hear where they are and what they are doing!