Saturday, October 1, 2011

A good day!

 Today was a good day! Was lucky enough to be able to help a group of people go help families start to clean up their burned homes. Of course there was nothing left but ashes and burned empty appliances and lots of metal, but it all has to be moved to the curb so the city can come pick it up and take it to a dump site.

 As you can see, I am wearing a mask as the ashes that we stir up can be toxic (your vocabularly word for the day) and I had to be careful not to breath in too much. The last picture is when we were almost looks much better and the scrap metal people can come pick up the big pieces of metal and then the bobcats can come and clear the ground completely so a new home can be constructed!
An interesting day and it is always good to be able to help the community!


  1. Good job Gilbert! Very proud of you :)

  2. IT is a good day to day you look like you are warcking but I do not know if you and the wrest are bilding a houes or if you and the men are fixing the grand but it looks alot of fun I would halp you if I just can but I got to stay with my parens but I wish I can help you it must is alot of work for you and the men well good by now gilbert.


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