Friday, September 30, 2011

It came!

 I am SO excited today! Coach Stoops finally got me my jersey and pants and helmet for the big game next week! I think Ms. Paradise helped a little bit...thank you Ms. Paradise!! As you can see from the picture with the very nice man at the front desk...not everyone is an Oklahoma fan here in Texas. He told my Grandma that since she was a guest of the hotel, he would have his picture with me, but he wasn't going to be happy about it LOL!
Tomorrow, it is back into my fire attire (another vocabulary word for today), as I will be going out to Bastrop County (have you found it on a map yet?) and help some homeowners clean up their property. It will be hard dirty work, but lots of people need lots of help and that is what bears do!


  1. Hi Gilbert did you see the Texas vs Ou game lol :):) :)

  2. i see the Sooners win i bet you were happy but i was going for Texas you think i was going for ou.i bet you and miss.p injoy setting at home eating popcorn.

  3. Hollow gilbert I think you look good in that ou football suit:):):).

  4. Hi gilbert my halloween was fun because we already had are halloween and it was fun and Bella already made her site you can see if you want to and how were your sooner game I heard that you'll lose over texas tent and I did not watch the other game you'll played but I hope you won cause I like OU sooner to but you in the game with them.


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