Saturday, October 22, 2011

What a week!!!!

 You wouldn't believe how busy we have been  this week! Monday I had to stay at the hotel to do laundry and help Grandpa Frank get some work done. Then the rest of the week it was just crazy at work! I was just WAY too tired to write when I got home. But I did read all your posts to me and you ALL made me smile! You have such nice and interesting things to say.
However, I have to disagree with you on one thing. FREDDIE...when he is with me, is the trouble maker. He is the one who comes up with all sorts of crazy ideas! Sometimes I don't tell, because I am not a tattletale, I know Ms. Paradise doesn't like those! So don't tell her, I just don't want you to think I am a big trouble maker! LOL!
On Friday, we had a ice cream party in the afternoon. We all had worked hard all week, so we took a little break for some fun. It was also "Fan Day" and we were to wear our favorite team shirts. Grandma Pat wore a Thunder shirt since I already had my OU jersey. We had great fun and even found a couple more OU fans! Then I went over to Jiggles work area (you can see him in the background) and stopped by his Daddy's desk, but he had stepped out. So he could not go with me.
But last week, we were able to have some ice cream together after work. Turns out Jiggles likes chocolate ice cream too!
Next Friday is our Halloween party! I have to decide what I want to dress up like. Ms. Paradise told Grandma Pat not to spend any more money on clothes, so I may have to find something from the hotel room to make something up. Maybe I could take a pillow case and be a ghost. I'll have to ponder (a vocabulary word!) on this and see what I come up with. I'll be sure and post a picture. It is going to be another REALLY busy week again, so I am not sure how often I will get to post, but I will try to do better. This week I will be going to Randolph Air Base in Seguin, Texas. We are going to look at the mobile homes they move into areas that people lost their homes. They can live in them temporarily until they can rebuild what they lost!.
Be good, listen to Ms. Paradise and study hard! You are almost in 4th grade and if you work really hard this year, then 4th grade will be easier! I love learning and am so glad I get to travel to such fun places and learn so many new things.


  1. Oh you look soooooo cute i just want to yell.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  2. 3rd grade is so easy I think i will pas it:)

  3. Ha gilbert haw have you ben doing did you have a good time sleeping do you have a big house I bet you do well did you have a good trip that is only if you did but if you did then were did you go to but are you having a good time with Miss.harly becase I thinck she is relly fun well by now LOVE GILBERT.

  4. is it your brethday to day and you have some nise clothes and you look fly you even look good.


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